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Banks Topics

Commercial Retail Banks Topics

The Bottom Line: How to Pick an Effective Bank for your Business

A straight forward summary of what a banker/client relationship should look like

The Bottom Line: The Debt Ceiling

A high overview of the fight over the debt ceiling.

The Bottom Line: The Economy

Learn more about the importance of the consumer in the economy.

Large Cap Investment Banking (Companies greater than $10B) Topics

Banks: Bullet Programs

Bullet programs (called because they come and go so fast) result when there is a temporary over-supply of bank paper that has been ordered by the commitment holder on behalf of a buyer.

Banks: Investment Security

It's hard to find good secured investments, so don't be mislead by fake offers. Trade platform investments that are truly secured require certain elements. Make certain these elements are present before you invest to ensure the safety of your investment.

Small Cap Investment Banking (Companies $300M-2B)

Banking: Going Public

Turned down by your Capital Source? Need refinancing in a special situation? Locked into an inappropriate financial structure? Need working capital? Have plans for M&A, LBO?

Business Acquisition Financing

Learn more about business acquisition financing in competitive financial markets.

Business Advice for Large Cap Investment Banking (Companies greater than $10B)

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 1

This document explains some of the obscure or unclear aspects of Private Placement Opportunity Programs (PPOPs). PPOPs are also known under other names, such as Private Placement Programs (PPPs) or Private Placement Investment Programs (PPIPs).

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 10

From time to time you may hear about scams (or potential scams) in the High Yield Investment Programs arena. One of the conditions that facilitate scams in this business is due mainly to the non-solicitation environment and the private approach required that forces information to remain as pure whispered gossip ready to be expressed aloud at any time. That fact facilitates a diffuse level of ignorance in this matter where scammers are in their element.

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 2

All trading programs in the Private Placement arena involve trade with such discounted debt notes in some fashion.

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 3

Managed Buy/Sell Programs-- a Private Placement Program for the UHNWI

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 4

This business is entirely private. To get access to these investment programs, the client needs to send his preliminary documentation to a broker whom the client trusts to be in direct contact with the trading group.

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 5

All trading programs in the Private Placement arena involve trade with such discounted debt notes in some fashion

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 6

As a direct consequence of the PPOP’s environment where this business has to take place, a non-solicitation agreement has to be strictly followed by all parties involved. This agreement strongly influences the way the participants can interact with each other. Sometimes non-solicitation agreements foster scam attempts, due to the fact that at an early stage it is often difficult for the clients to recognize reliable sources to be in contact with.

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 7

The purpose of this type of trading is to finance projects, not generate tremendous profits for the client. These may be for-profit or non-profit and can be funded as a result of this trading.

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 8

Banks are not allowed to act as clients in such programs. However, they are able to profit indirectly in different ways.

A Tutorial On Managed Buy/Sell Private Placement Programs: Chapter 9

The following is a summary of the process involved for entering a PPOP.

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HomeTown Bank: "It's Good to be Home!"

Customers describe why HomeTown Bank makes them "feel at home".

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MaxedOut Money Hour

Tune in to the weekly show Tuesday at 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific, and 9 PM Eastern.

Promotional Articles - Commercial Retail Banks

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